Thursday, March 7, 2013


"A man is more complex than a social group or society, since its nonlinearity is higher".


Above all, this a "sine qua non" for the legitimacy of a community leadership, be it a state, a nation or any relative coherent social group!



‘Each man has a hole in his soul whose measure is God’.
Jean-Paul Sartre

Helena Knyazeva


The theory of self-organization of complex systems studies laws of sustainable coevolutionary development of structures having different speeds of development as well as laws of assembling of a complex evolutionary whole from parts when some elements of “memory” (the biological memory, i.e. DNA, the memory of culture, i.e. the cultural and historical traditions, etc.) must be included. The theory reveals general rules of nonlinear synthesis of complex evolutionary structures. The most important and paradoxical consequences of the holistic view, including an approach to solving the riddle of human personality, are as follows: 1) the explanation why and under what conditions a part (a human) can be more complex than a whole (society); 2) in order to reconstruct society it is necessary to change an individual but not by cutting off the supposed undesirable past, since a human being as a microcosm is the synthesis of all previous stages of evolution, and as a result of repression of, it would seem, the wild past one can extinguish a “divine spark” in his soul; 3) in the physical sense, singularity denotes a moment of instability, phase transition; one can talk about the human singularity of co-evolutionary processes, since in such a moment of instability individual actions of a human can play a key role in determining a channel of further development as well as in appearance of a new pattern of collective behavior in society; 4) as the models of nonlinear dynamics, elaborated at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, show, there is a possibility of a direct influence of the future and even a touch of an infinitely remote future in certain evolutionary regimes and under rigorously definite conditions, more over, it turns out that such a possibility exists only for a human (admittedly, through a specific state of being inherent to him—the sleep without dreams) but not for the human society.

Keywords: co-evolution, human being, nonlinearity, self-organization, tempo-worlds

Man-is-complexer.pdf Download this file

A valuable further reference on "The Theory of Complexity" :

"From the standpoint of synergetics, the changing of emphasis in approaching global problems is required: not arm-twisting and power policy but the search of ways of co-evolution of complex social and geopolitical systems in the world. The pursuit of policy by power methods is too dangerous in the modern complex and nonlinearly developing world, where even random bugs in the branching informational and computer nets can bring to a world catastrophe. The more complex a system is, the more functions it performs, the more unstable it is. Therefore, the understanding of forms of common life of heterogeneous structures which are situated on different levels of development and of the paths of their sustainable co-evolutionary development becomes a constructive alternative of today's policy."

Helena Knyazeva

"One should develop a holistic vision. “Think globally in order to efficiently act locally” – this is a slogan of the present time. One needs to understand ways of integration and mutually coordinated and harmonious development of various complex structures in the world"...

ON Singularity & complexity (Deleuze elaborated):

Weaver-ComplexityPhilosophy.pdf Download this file

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