Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WE may be all Fractals

If the Universe is Fractal we may as well be all fractals!

It begins in the structure of the neurons in our minds; in the mind, in the individual, in the family, in the community, in the state, in the globe, in the earth etc. and in the Universe out of the bubbles of the Multi-universe...

The Fractal Universe


Fractals: The Colors of Infinity


Fractals: The Colors of Infinity"The Mandelbrot set – someone has called it the thumb-print of God – is one of the most beautiful and remarkable discoveries in the entire history of mathematics.

With Arthur C. Clarke as narrator and interviews with a number of notable mathematicians, including Benoît Mandelbrot, this program graphically illustrates how simple formulas can lead to complicated results: it explains the set, what it means, its internal consistency, and the revolutions in thought resulting from its discovery. Asked if the real universe goes on forever, Stephen Hawking defines its limit of smallness; the Mandelbrot set, on the other hand, may go on forever.

The invention of the silicon chip in the 1970′s created a revolution in computers and communication and hence transformed our way of life. We are now seeing another revolution which is going to change our view of the universe and give us a better understanding of its’ working.

This film will explore the fractal universe and on our voyage of discovery, we will be helped by: Professor Ian Stewart of the Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, an author of over 100 published scientific works; Dr. Michael Barnsley, former professor of mathematics at Georgia Institute of Technology who received a 2.5 million dollar government grant in 1991 to develop a fractal image compression systems."

Watch the full documentary now

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